Discover how your breath can help you find your center and create calm within.

A FREE 7-Day Challenge to Reconnect with your Breath

  • Find your Center.

    Learn how your breath can be your best friend and guide in reconnecting with yourself and find balance in your life.

  • Ease up Stress.

    Learn tools to calm the mind and regulate your nervous system.

  • Sleep better.

    Learn practices to prepare for sleep.


What you’ll receive:

Each day you’ll receive the day’s challenge directly into your inbox. It will include a description and information on the breathing exercise to be practiced that day and a separate audio recording with only the exercise for you to keep and practice whenever and as many time as you’d like to.

Commit to practice these short exercises at least 3 times a day to see their real benefits. They are the first stepping stones on the journey back to yourself.