“Prana Sedham, Vase Sarvam.”
“And this Prana is available for everyone, equally.”

— Prasha Upanishad

Thank you!

Three Breathing Exercises to improve your overall wellbeing

You can use the following exercises throughout the day to help you self-regulate your nervous system and prepare the body for the tasks ahead.

How to practice

  • Pranayama practice - even though you can do it any time of the day - is best done in the morning before breakfast.

  • Do your practice in a nice and clean, well ventilated space. You can also improve the energy of your space by using some essential oil in a diffuser or a good quality incense (with no chemicals in it) or using sound vibration with a beautiful and soft background music (or even just a mantra or tampura sound)

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes

  • Start with settling in a nice and comfortable position, with your spine straight and your feet flat on the ground or sitting crosslegged.

  • Becoming aware of and focus on your natural breathing for a few minutes then do your chosen breathing technique.

  • Practice daily 15 min for best results or 5 min in the morning, 5 min at midday and 5 min in the evening.

  • Do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities during practice and until you feel fully grounded.

Coffee Breathing.

In this session we will practice Breath of Fire to wake you up and energise the body. 
We call it a Coffee breathing practice, to make it easy to remember when and how to use it. Just as Coffee, this practice should be used early in the morning to wake you up, or else right before exercise to prepare your body for movement. 
It stimulates your sympathetic nervous system and so it should be avoided before, during or after meals and it should not be practiced in the evening.

This is a short session as this technique is strong and it should be used with moderation. If done in access, this could potentially cause anxiety, dizziness and anxiousness, just like drinking too much coffee. But don’t worry, when used with care, as you’ll do it in this session, you’ll find that it’s a safe and natural pick-me-up.

This technique is best done on an empty stomach.


Water Breathing.

In this session, we will practice a Water breathing exercise called 4 to 4 Balancing breath.

This practice can be done anywhere, anytime, in any position, seated, standing or even lying down, eyes can be either open or closed.

We can do this practice whenever we need to restore balance to our nervous system.


Whiskey Breathing.

Whiskey breathing is designed to naturally relax you, and to give you a powerful tool to combat stress and restless nights. 

This practice should be done lying flat in bed with your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your belly.

During this practice we slow the breathing rate down to 3 or less breaths a minute and we will simultaneously double the ratio of your exhales to your inhales. Slow breathing and long -long exhales deliver a huge relaxation response. 



Piroska Nagy | SoulBreathYoga is not a medical practice and facilitators are not medically trained professionals. If you suffer from any serious condition you should check with your medical practitioner prior to breathing with us.

Also it is imperative that you do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities until you feel fully grounded. This may take some time so please plan accordingly.