“I was a stiff office guy when I went to my first yoga class at age 23. When I bent forward, my hands only made it halfway down my shins. Backbends were out of the question and my hips felt like two blocks of ice.
When I sat on the floor, my back was hunched and my knees were way up off the ground. When I tried Wheel pose, it felt like my chest would explode.
It’s terrible when you feel trapped in your own body, so I went on a mission to find a solution. ”

— Lucas Rockwood, Founder & Director at YOGABODY Teachers College®

Available spots for one-on-one sessions:

At the moment all sessions are booked. Please check back regularly to see availability or sign up below to be notified of new openings. Thank you.


The Science of Stretching™ is a mat-based, targeted mobility method that helps students with stiff backs, locked up hips, and tight hamstrings. These classes are hugely popular all around the world because they deliver flexibility results quickly.

Style: Long-hold, passive stretches for flexibility.

Props we use...

Mats, blocks, straps, balls, pillows, stool …

Classes are all inclusive, everybody’s welcome. No previous experience required.

Flexibility training has never been more needed in the market. Here’s why.

  • Our modern lifestyles are making us stiff. We spend four hours a day hunched over our phones, six hours a day on the computer, and an hour a day in a car.

  • Pop fitness trends also make us stiff. Strength training will get you in great shape, but they make you stiff. Strength needs to be balanced with mobility.

  • Older people are everywhere. With age, our mobility range diminishes and we need help to keep our hips, spine and hamstrings healthy and flexible.

Benefits of Science of Stretching™

  • release tight hips that affect your posture, your ability to squat, and your yoga

  • reduce years of stress, tension, and tightness residing in your body, making you stiff.

  • improved posture

  • reduced back & knee injuries

  • better quality of life

  • ease in yoga

  • renewed joy for sport

  • better overall mobility and flexibility

  • enjoy and active life

How to practice

The Science of Stretching™ 3 principles:

  • Wet Noodle: Muscles and fascia stretch best when completely relaxed. So when we train for flexibility, we aim to relax into the stretch as much as possible..

  • Breathe to Relax: Inhale through your nose to the count of four, exhale through your mouth to the count of eight. This breathing practice turns off your stretch reflex, stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system response and releases muscle tension.

  • Time under passive tension: The gating factor for flexibility is time under passive tension (how long you spend in these deep poses). We aim to meet or beat our hold times, every session. Typical Science of Stretching holds are 2-5 minutes.


Piroska Nagy | SoulBreathYoga is not a medical practice and facilitators are not medically trained professionals. If you suffer from any serious condition you should check with your medical practitioner prior to breathing with us.

Also it is imperative that you do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities until you feel fully grounded. This may take some time so please plan accordingly.